Embrace Lent with Flavorful Fish Dishes
Embrace Lent with Flavorful Fish Dishes

The Lenten season encourages reflection and often involves making dietary sacrifices such as giving up meat. However, this period presents an opportunity for mindfulness, intentionality and the exploration of delicious, healthy, fish-based meals.

Let’s shift our focus from what we’re “giving up” and instead delve into creative and satisfying fish-centric options.

Dive into Delectable Seafood Soups and Stews
Warm up your Lenten days with hearty seafood soups and stews. A bowl of clam chowder or a rich fish stew can be comforting and nourishing. To enhance the flavors, use winter produce like potatoes, carrots, onions and leafy greens, and don’t be shy with spices like cumin, coriander, ginger and turmeric. Bonus: these soups and stews make perfect leftovers for easy lunches throughout your week.

Celebrate Abundant Seafood
Put seafood in the limelight during Lent. Whether you’re rocking fresh, local catches or raiding the freezer for top-notch frozen fish, you can create mouthwatering dishes like fish stir-fries, seafood frittatas, shrimp pasta primavera and all sorts of roasted seafood and veggie combos.

Beyond the Fish Fillet
No need to stick to the same old fish fillets. Dive into the deep end with flavorful alternatives that satisfy those comfort cravings. Experiment with fish tacos, seafood curries, tuna steaks, salmon burgers or shrimp skewers.

With a dash of creativity in the kitchen and an open mind to new culinary possibilities, this Lenten season can become your most inspiring yet.