Fun & Crafty Ways to Say Thanks
Fun & Crafty Ways to Say Thanks

Decorate your home with the spirit of the season and create these fun, simple-to-make Thanksgiving crafts. Stop by your local craft store for pine cones, floral, a variety of seasonal craft items and additional inspiration.

Thankfulness Tree
What you’ll need: Mason jar, decorative fillers, ribbon, raffia, branches, tags
Directions: Tie plaid ribbon and raffia around the top of a Mason jar. Fill jar with decorative fillers and arrange branches inside. Have family and friends write thankful messages on paper tags and hang them from the branches.
*Try making it with items you have on hand: an empty glass jar filled with coffee beans from Busch’s

Thanksgiving Pine Cone Turkeys
What you’ll need: pine cones, construction paper, brown felt, craft glue, googly eyes
Directions: To make the face, cut a small circle out of brown felt. Glue googly eyes and a paper diamond cutout folded in half for the beak onto the front of the pine cone. Using a hand-traced cutout or different colored strips of paper, have family and friends write what they’re thankful for and place in the back of the pine cone to resemble feathers.

Give Thanks Wine Bottle Centerpieces
What you’ll need: two wine bottles, acrylic paint, ribbon, decorative wheat bunch, permanent marker
Directions: Paint wine bottles orange, gold or other fall colors and paint on Thanksgiving phrases. Tie festive ribbon around the neck of each bottle and place a wheat bunch inside. Using a permanent marker, have family and friends write thankful messages on the bottles.