Grilled Avocado-Romaine Salad
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Grilled Avocado-Romaine Salad

Prep: 15 minutes
Grill: 5 minutes • Serves: 4

2 small avocados, peeled and pitted
2 romaine hearts, halved lengthwise
8 (1/2-inch-thick) slices baguette bread
2 tablespoons avocado oil
1/4 cup Caesar dressing
1/4 cup chopped dry roasted macadamia nuts
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

1.Prepare outdoor grill for direct grilling over medium-high heat. Brush both sides of avocados, romaine and baguette with oil; place on hot grill rack, cover and cook avocados 5 minutes, and romaine and baguette 2 minutes or until grill marks appear and baguette is toasted, turning once. Transfer avocados, romaine and baguette to cutting board; coarsely chop.

2.In large bowl, toss dressing, nuts, salt, pepper, romaine and baguette; top with avocados. Makes about 8 cups.

Approximate nutritional values per serving (2 cups):
454 Calories, 37g Fat (6g Saturated), 10mg Cholesterol,
516mg Sodium, 28g Carbohydrates, 12g Fiber, 7g Protein

Chef Tip:
Select ripe avocados that are still slightly firm to avoid avocados sticking to the grill.